Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks-E. Lockhart

Frankie Landau-Banks has undergone some changes as she enters her sophomore year at Alabaster Prep. When she catches, and keeps, the eye of the cutest senior on campus, Matthew Livingston, Frankie refuses to just sit back and be satisfied. She learns that her boyfriend and his friends are the current members of a boys only secret society, “The Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds.” Frankie follows the society and spies on them during their secret meetings. Frankie just can’t sit back and let the loyal order follow through on lame pranks. She is Someone, not just a girl, and she can be just as good as the boys. Through her smarts, Frankie becomes a member of the Loyal Order, without the boys knowing it, and creates chaos around campus, and in her own life. Frankie is a wonderful character. She is a strong girl who survives even as she falls out of the popular spot at her school. Frankie’s voice and her word play are fun. Frankie and Matthew’s relationship is mature, and Lockhart writes about it in a way that is appropriate for Jr. High students.

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